Amel Gherbi-Rahal holds a doctorate in urban studies from the National Institute for Scientific Research (INRS-UCS). She also holds a master’s degree in communication (UQAM). If her work focuses, among other things, on urban hospitality and the inclusion of migrants, her multidisciplinary profile has led her to experiment with various research methodologies and to intervene with several practice settings (university, municipal, civil society ).
Amel is currently contributing to the UNESCO Chair in Urban Landscape as a postdoctoral fellow in charge of co-developing the “IA/EDI public space” project. This project, which brings together urban sciences and artificial intelligence, and which involves the participation of several sectors of activity and stakeholders, aims to increase equity, diversity and inclusion in public spaces. Amel is also involved in the NPO and social economy sector. As such, she is in charge of research and institutional partnerships within the work unit for the establishment of student housing (UTILE), president of the Peter-McGill neighborhood table and administrator of the urban planning firm ARPENT.