The UNESCO Chair in Urban Landscape is pleased to announce that Ms. Chloé Henri‘s project entitled “Enraciner la transmission cul-turelle Nehirowisi“, realised as part of the Master’s programe in landscape architecture ( APA6014) and under the direction of Prof. Nicole Valois, is the recipient of the Sid Lee Architecture Master’s Award of $5,000.
The UNESCO Chair in Urban Landscape would like to highlight the excellence of this project in connection to themes of riverbank development and social inclusion in public space.
The jury composed of Mr. Alexandre Landry, Mrs. Shabnam Rahbarbehbahani and Mrs. Alice Covatta explained that the project tackles not only the importance of collective representation in space but also working in collaboration with communities; in order to create places that promote self-determination and cultural transmission.
The jury especially valued: the approach of the project which aimed at enhancing social inclusion in public space and the shores of Lake Métabeskéga; the excellent contextual understanding of the site and its corresponding issues; the process of co-creation with the community; the landscape intervention which offers a wide variety of places and integrated landscape devices; the phased approach that will allow the community to facilitate funding for the implementation of the project; and the high quality visuals and other communication aspects of the project.
The Chair congratulates Chloé Henri for all her efforts as well as for the rigorousness of her thinking, carried out throughout the conceptual and schematic process of the project, and wishes her an excellent continuation in her professional career.